Group Lessons Indefinitely Discontinued as of 6/12/19

We are sad to inform you that on 6/12/19, our JOAD, Private Lessons, and Group Lessons programs were indefinitely discontinued by Student Activities and Leadership and Competitive (Club) Sports.

They continue to stand by their decision, as "Student organizations exist to serve Stanford students. Regular practices can only be open to current Stanford students, although an occasional workshop (1-2 a year) can be open to community members."

We have loved teaching archery to the local community for nearly 20 years now and are greatly distressed that we are now being told we can no longer do so. These programs allowed us to grow archery as a sport, grow as leaders, and ultimately become better archers ourselves. We believe that a Stanford-student only approach is shortsighted and misguided and goes against the very message of community building that Stanford extends.

Thank you for supporting us all these years. We look forward to your continued support for the reinstatement of our community programs. Please forward any stories, testimonies, or concerns to us at